Topaz Sharpen AI 2.1.5 Crack is the best picture honing programming for experts that need the most cutting edge innovation accessible yet is simple enough for anybody to utilize. Fix foggy images in only a couple of snaps and salvage already difficult to-address shots. Topaz AI Clear is available as a Pro adjustment with Topaz Studio, a standalone photo editor as well as a plugin for Photoshop CS4+, Elements 6+, Creative Cloud, and as an external editor for Lightroom. It is compatible with 64-bit Windows 7+ and Mac OS X 10.10+. See how it works: Topaz AI Clear for Noise Reduction.
Image taken at the Infinite Space Art Show by Refik Anadol in Washington, DC. If you get a chance to see it, definitely go – absolutely wonderful. The silhouette was created from people sitting on soft cushions enjoying the show. This image, shot during a video, reminded me of flying into the Death Star in Star Wars. Not much work had to be done to the image. Luminar Flex was opened and Structure, Details Enhancer and Exposure filters were used to really sharpen up the image. Then on a stamped layer in PS, Topaz (see sidebar for website link) Studio 2 was opened and AI Clear was used to remove the noise in the image. Precision Detail was used just on the Highlights and Precision Contrast’s High Contrast slider was used to really darken the black. Back in PS a Curves Adjustment Layer was added. That was it. This show was full of beautiful color and movement!…..Digital Lady Syd
Took this image of the colorful Koi in the Asian Bamboo Gardens pond at the Jacksonville Zoo in Florida. The fish almost looks like he is in a tree but those are just reflections of the large trees around the pond. Topaz (see sidebar for website link) Studio’s AI Clear Adjustment was used on the fish along with the Edge Adjustment to define his body edges and details a little more clearly. Dehaze was also applied at 0.89, a pretty heavy amount to clear up the hazy water. In PS Topaz’s new Sharpen AI filter was set to Stabilize at an amount of 70. (See my Topaz Sharpen AI – Good or Bad? And Yes, Free Upgrade for Topaz Infocus Owners blog for more info.) Back in Photoshop, Topaz Restyle’s Swamp and Sherpa Blue preset was applied. Then on top one of my own Lookup Tables was applied at 40% layer opacity. The last step used a slight spotlight effect on the Koi’s head. There were several quite beautiful large fish in this pond that made it look very interesting. ….. Digital Lady Syd
Had some fun with a shot of my birds that sit on top of my kitchen cabinets. Apparently one of the guys is a little shy. (How did that happen?) This image started off Lightroom with an old preset of mine called Kuboto Warm & Tasty B&W – it gave a little bit of brown and gray tones to the image. In Photoshop Topaz (see sidebar for website link) Studio’s AI Clear Adjustment was applied. I do this on every image now. Next an AI ReMix Adjustment was added using a preset I had created called SJ Illustrated Effect (uses Ink Blog style set to Medium, Brightness -0.24, Contrast 0.57, Sat 0.75, Smooth Edge 0.21, Sharpness 0.50). Then the Radiance Adjustment was set to Light, Strength 0.50, Width 0.73, Length -0.17, and Sat 0.44 – the mask was inverted so only the thick leaves and stems were affected by this adjustment. Back in PS a Jai Johnson texture called Explorations (7) was applied and set to Hard Light blend mode. This added the beautiful golden colors. Then a second texture called Texture 01 1920 X 1080 by Frostbo at Deviant Art set to Linear Burn at 52% opacity was applied. On a New Layer Kyle Webster Impasto Kit for Photoshop (not sure it is still available) from a long time ago was set to a Subtle Touch, and a second New Layer set to Medium was added. Both were set to 0 Fill Layer – a splatter brush was used to add in the texture. This is the same effect shown in my Fun Photoshop blog called How to Create an Impasto Texture Layer Style. Last step was to add a Color Lookup table using my SJ Sharply Dark LUT (created in my Fun Photoshop blog and video called How to Create Profiles in ACR from LR Presets and Some PS LUT Files). This impasto look can really add character to an image!…..Digital Lady Syd
Had some fun with this image of the London Eye – I liked the black and white treatment on it as the colors were not very strong, but it was a bit boring so some lightning brushed onto the image was added. The Serge Ramelli’s B&W Medium Lighting preset was used in Lightroom to convert it to black and white. (See my Showing Some of Serge Ramelli’s Effects blog.) In Photoshop Topaz Studio’s (see sidebar for website link) AI Clear at default was applied, then Texture Effects Distressed Grunge preset. The lightning bolts were from Sparklestock’s 18 seamless Lightning Strokes no. 12 and Serge Ramelli’s lightning brush. Last step was a Curves Adjustment Layer. It looks pretty convincing to me!…..Digital Lady Syd
I took a look at Topaz DeNoise AI earlier this year and found it effective at removing noise without killing the details in your images. My only complaint was that it was not a speed demon. On some large images, I had to wait almost a minute before the image was cleaned up. Is that better in the latest version?
Now Topaz Labs has a newer version of their application/plug in. The current version is 2.3.1. Here's what is new:
I think the most significant addition is the multi-screen view. Once it's showing, you'll get a really good idea what your image will look like after Topaz does its magic. You're not stuck with the AI decisions either. You can adjust the amount of noise removal, increase color noise suppression, and also add some sharpening. In the quad window view, you'll see your original, untouched version. There's the DeNoise AI version (which in my experience is usually the best choice). Then there's a Clear AI algorithm at work, and finally, a low-light example. Most of the time, DeNoise AI will get the right alogrithm to use, but you're free to decide that another one would work better.
I tried DeNoise AI on some images where noise reduction is almost always called for: my Milky Way images. Even when I do a combination of 10 or more images, there is still some residual noise.
When I applied DeNoise AI, it found the best mode was the low-light noise reduction option, and I agreed. Sometimes, I could leave the settings as Topaz wanted them; sometimes, I added a bit more noise reduction. I saw no loss of sharpening using the AI settings, and in my experience, that's remarkable for a noise reduction algorithm. I almost always lose a bit of sharpness when using other methods, including Lightroom noise reduction. I also saw no color shifts, a sometimes visible artifact of noise reduction. Chroma noise was banished as well, and there is a slider so that you can adjust this setting to taste if the AI doesn't get it all. In my experience, it did fine on its own.
On landscapes taken in low light, the noise reduction was also excellent. You can see how it's doing in this split screen view.
You can see pretty clearly that after processing, the image on the right is very clear compared to the before image on the left. I can't find any artifacts from the noise reduction.
Here's another image taken in bright light at Joshua Tree National Park. There's still noise in the image even at a low ISO. Topaz cleans it up nicely.
My uploaded JPEGs don't do the noise reduction justice, so here's a magnified view that hopefully will make the noise reduction easier to see. The cleaned-up image is on the right.
Some other nice features that have been carried forward include the ability to mask out parts of the image where you don't want noise reduction. I didn't do any official benchmarks, but running the software seems to be about 30-40% faster. That's a real plus.
In truth, having DeNoise AI is like getting better equipment. In shooting the Milky Way, I am limited in my exposure time without using a tracker. So, that means short exposures and increased noise, even when I stack and combine images. DeNoise AI pretty much solves the problem without having my image quality take a hit. Don't expect it to work a miracle on a really crummy, noisy image. Any AI program has limits, just like there is only so much you can do to any image when editing it. But it will make any image better. Some images will emerge completely noise free.
There are a couple of issues I'd like to mention.
I've had some Topaz plugins for quite a long time, and Topaz was great at upgrading them. I've had DeNoise AI for a year and just got notice that an upgrade is $50.00. That's a change in policy from Topaz and not a welcome one. I don't begrudge anyone for making a buck or two on some really great software, but I can't say I love what appears to be a different, less generous policy than before.
I'm also still unhappy with the way they upgrade. The upgrades are big files, and if you decide to upgrade, you'll find out when you launch the app or plugin. It will stop your workflow cold. Everyone who makes software upgrades it, of course, but the Topaz upgrades are big. They don't appear to be patches. On my not-so-fast DSL line, upgrades can take an hour. I usually put them off, but I always wonder if there is some fix that might be important to me.
Topaz DeNoise is priced at $79.99, but for the next nine days or so, it's $59.99. I think for the power offered, it's a very good deal. Topaz can run as a stand-alone app or as a plugin to Lightroom or Photoshop.
If you do a lot of low-light or night photography or astrophotography, I think Topaz DeNoise AI is a must-have. Even on brightly lit images and lower ISO settings, it makes a difference if your images are headed to a publisher or a gallery.