Pyramex Safety Emerge Plus Readers Safety Glasses, 2.0, Clear Full Reader Lens. 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,441. 89 $12.39 $12.39 'full lens reader safety glasses'. Reeder 5 - Your news reader. → Looking for Reeder 4? Reeder is a RSS reader, originally for iPhone, now available for the Mac. Version 2.0b5: New: Gestures (see Preferences → Gestures) Reset Reeder: see menu 'Reeder' → 'Reset Reeder' or press and hold alt/option while launching Reeder; Fixed: OPML import issues; Compatibility. OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor. After Reeder 3 wasn't updated for around a year I worried that my favorite RSS reader was gone, so I'm totally and pleasantly surprised to see that it's now back as an entirely new release. That said, some things are missing from Reeder 3 that would be nice to have back, and what appear to be a few possible bugs still need to be fixed.

Today, I stumbled upon a very handy class : SyndicationFeed. This class, introduced in .NET 3.5, allows to manipulate syndication feeds (like RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0) with very little code. It can be used to create and publish our own feeds, or to read existing ones. For instance, here’s how to retrieve the news feed from Google News and display its title, its hyperlink, and the titles of it’s items :

Easy enough, don’t you think ? :) Let’s now take advantage of WPF binding capabilities to create a very simple graphical RSS reader :

The code-behind :

Reeder 2 0 4 – Rss Reader Pdf


And here’s the result !

Reeder 2 0 4 – Rss Reader Online


Why is it so hard to find a good RSS reader for the iPhone? Sure, there are a few, but not many are as refined as Reeder.

When I first started using Reeder, I thought the interface was pretty good. The only real problem was that Google Reader sync was slow. In version 2, a free upgrade for existing users, that has finally been fixed. It only takes 3-5 seconds to download about 250 unread items. Once that is done, the app starts caching all of the images it can find in the feeds so you can still see them when offline. This takes awhile, but you can still read while it works. (You can turn the feature off if you don’t like it.)

Reeder 2 now offers state-saving functionality, as well. If you exit the app to check your email, Reeder resumes right where you left-off when you come back.

Really, it strikes me as the “Tweetie 2 of RSS readers.” It’s one of the apps that easily earns its spot on page one of my iPod’s home screen.

Now, if only the developer of Newsfire would add Google Reader syncing. Then my feed-reading experience would be excellent.