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Hello readers, Few days ago my Laptop suffers from some kinds of viruses, That virus slows down my laptop processing speed and my anti-virus program didn’t detect the virus on my laptop, so I search on Google for someonline virus scanner, which scan my laptop online and detect the virus and remove it.

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I found many online virus scanner and removal tools which are free for use, most of them are not working properly, some free online malware scanner didn’t detect the virus some free online scanner takes too much time, but at least I found 3 best online virus scanner and removal tools which work properly without taking too much time.

I am going to provide you the list of 3 free online virus removal tool (No Download), which helps you to scan your PC/Laptop and detect the virus files and remove it.

Best online virus scanner and removal 2014

1) BitDefender QuickScan:

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BitDefender QuickScan is one of the best online virus scanner tool which scan your PC/Laptop very fast and detect the virus files and remove it, Advantage of BitDefender is that it can work with almost all web browsers, you just have to install the Addon (Plugin or Extension), which you will get on the BitDefender QucikScan Website.

Simply Go to Bitdefender Website and click on the Scan Now button and after that it will ask you to download and install the add-on (Plugin or Extension) simply click on Add Button and after that it will automatically download and install the plugin on your web browser, and after completion of plugin it will start scanning your PC.

BitDefender Website link: BitDefender QuickScan

2)Panda ActiveScan:

Panda ActiveScan is also a fantastic tool to Scan and Delete Virus files online, Panda ActiveScan is only working on Internet Explorer and Mozilla Filefox, It doesn’t require any type of plugin or extension to install before scanning, you can scan your PC without installing any plugin. You can also choose the scan type, there are two types of scan available first is Quick scan and the second is Full scan.

We give the 2ndRank to Panda Activescan for Online virus scanner, If you don’t have much time and wants to do a quick scan your PC than Panda ActiveScan is the best option for you.

Panda ActiveScan Website link: Panda ActiveScan

3) TrendMicro Housecall

TrendMicro is ranked 3rd Position on the list of online virus scanner tools, the main advantage of TrendMicro Housecall is that it is browser independent, means you can run this scanner from any web browser.

TrendMicro Housecall divides the Scan files into small executions which increase the efficiency and speed of the scan. It also asks you to select your PC version 64 bit or 32 bit, simply select your PC version and start scanning.


TrendMicro Website link: TrendMicro Housecall

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Final Vindicate:

There are many more Online Virus Scanner available on the internet which helps you to scan your PC and most of them will not work properly, If you really wants your PC/Laptop virus free than above 3 tools are the best option for you, all the above tools are used by us various times so we can say that most probably you will not get any type of problem on time of scanning.

Virus Scanners For Free

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