About MirrorScript Pro Software

Do you remember the days back in high school when you just about peed your pants when called on to present a project? Oh, you still do that?! So does approximately everyone in the world who gets on stage and has to picture the audience in their underwear. We have great news for the every-day queasy, nervous being who gets in front of a crowd. We will help turn your presentations into those badass films that looked like no one was actually reading their lines…with teleprompters and teleprompter software! Also widely used in newscasting and pornos. DISCLAIMER: We do not ask exactly why a said person NEEDS our software, we just happily provide.

So, join the dozens of professional teleprompter operators and commercial video production houses who use our website to replace the outdated, heavy and hard-to-master software that came with teleprompters that cost them the big bucks.

Download Free Teleprompter PC Software

Key features: + VoiceTrack: PromptSmart is the only teleprompter app that follows your words during your speech and automatically scrolls the text at your natural pace in real time, without an internet connection. Conveniently, you never need to calibrate it, just begin the presentation and start speaking. LESS IS MORE We can easily become your new most used teleprompter, mostly because of the simplicity, features and convenient functionality. Execute your presentation, speech, singing or presentation perfectly knowing you have a great teleprompter tool on your Android device. See why we are one of the best teleprompter apps.

MirrorScript (authored by freetelepromptersoftware.com)

Intuitive Windows 8/7/Vista/XP Freeware for Your PC

We redesigned our MirrorScript teleprompter software from square one to improve it in every way. It scrolls incredibly smoothly, has many different speed options, and can handle longer scripts. You can customize the text of your speech to any easy-to-read size and colors you want.

Not only is our software still free, but it’s actually better than most of the expensive programs on the market. Don’t waste your money, download our spyware-free teleprompter software today! If you like our software, please consider supporting our company by linking us on your website or purchasing one of our affordable Teleprompter products.

We make it incredibly easy to get started delivering your speech with your teleprompter. All you have to do to get started is copy & paste your text right into the program window, or use it as a text editor to create your speech from scratch. You can do mirror image text with the software so that when it starts scrolling, the reflection in your beam splitter mirror reverses it back to normal text. Best of all, unlike many of the other, expensive software packages out there, our free teleprompter software scrolls smoothly, without any sort of jerky motion. We offer four versions of our software, the latest being v4.0. The other versions are alternatives just in case you have any trouble getting v4.0 to work on your system.

» Download MirrorScript v4.0(Multilingual, 0.6 MB)

» Download MirrorScript v3.2(0.2 MB)

» Download MirrorScript Pro(0.8 MB)

» Download MirrorScript Basic(0.8 MB)

Prompt! V 7.5 (free trial, $44 full version)

Simple is the key to Prompt! as it scrolls text, either mirrored or not and has simple word processing functions (like cut, copy, paste and whatever you decide to type from within the program). Text can be imported and exported to and from the application in the standard .txt format as well as saved with a native Prompt! .pmt format. Try out the lite version before you buy.

Prompt! saves its own file format so you can import text for the talent to read and then adjust the settings and then give the application and the file to your on-camera person to practice at their leisure in their own environment regardless of platform, either Macintosh or Windows. The scrolling settings you make stay with the file.

Key Features

  • Text can be imported and exported
  • Simple text editing is available
  • Native files can be saved
  • User customizable controls
  • Macintosh or Windows playback
  • Choose font and font size
  • Mirrors text display on screen
  • Mouse or keyboard control
  • Unicode support
  • Multiple resolutions, multiple monitors
  • Easy to use
  • Timer/progress indicator


  • Unicode/Multi-language support (flipped/unflipped or unflipped/unflipped).
  • More resolution choices
  • Dual display support
  • New graphics and code engine
  • Universal binary that runs on both PowerPC and Intel-based Macs.
  • Mac OS X10.8 support
  • Larger font sizes and font choice
  • Optional black background
  • Preferences can be saved and/or reset
  • Type justification (Left, Center or Right)
UpdatedAugust 2011
Current Version7.5
RequirementsWindows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8;
Product PagePrompt!
Video Links

PromptDog (free trial, $67 full version)


While PromptDog truly is the world’s easiest software teleprompter (no expensive teleprompter hardware is required to get started), this tool alone has the features to grow with you as your productions grow in sophistication:

  • Smooth Quiet Scrolling
  • Adjust prompter speed with mouse scroll wheel, up/down arrow keys, laptop trackpad or compatible remote controls!
  • Pause & Restart
  • Pause and restart prompter at same scroll speed (via space bar or remote).
  • Quick Rewind
  • Super fast mouse wheel rewind to back up a few lines for rapid re-takes.
  • QuickSearch
  • Instantly jump to a specific word or phrase in both the script editor and operator window.
  • International Languages Updated!
  • UTF8 unicode support for non English languages and special characters.
  • Change Display Settings
  • Control text size, font, line spacing and invert black text on white background directly from the
  • main operator window.
  • Save Settings New!
  • Save your settings at the end of a session and PromptDog will automatically restore those settings at the start of your next session.
  • ezEdit
  • Make on-the-spot script revisions with the ‘always available’ script edit button.
  • Colorize Text
  • Easily colorize specific sections of your script to emphasize specific words or designate different segments for multiple speakers.
    Second Talent Window
  • Optional second display for sessions with seperate operator and talent. Perfectly synchronized and resizable.
  • Mirrored Text
  • One click text reversal for use with professional and DIY hardware alike. Displayed via an optional second talent monitor, the reversed text will appear normal when reflected off beamsplitter glass placed directly in front of the camera.
  • Adjustable Eyeline Indicator
  • Click ‘n’ drag eyeline indicators on left, right or both. Transparency adjustable and automatically mirrored in second monitor.
Free Trial Period10 days
RequirementsWindows XP, Vista, Win 7, 8 or 10;
Product PagePromptDog
Video Links

Scrolling Teleprompter Software (free demo with limited features, $19.99 full version)

Free Trial Period(No time limit, just limited features)
Current Version7.0
RequirementsWindows XP, Vista, Win 7, 8 or 10
Product PageScrolling Teleprompter

Prompter Software (free trial, $89.95-159.95 full versions)


Your affordable source for zero learning curve – high quality PC teleprompter software.

We believe we have created the most cost effective, highest user rated teleprompter software on the market. Our prompter products are download ready for W95 to Windows 7. Our engineering and programming has allowed us to offer you top quality prompting software at a reasonable price without sacrificing quality.

All software products are simple to install with their self installing & uninstall wizards. The download programs offered here are the full versions that run in the trial mode until a software license is purchased. Direct X, Net Framework or Microsoft auxiliary downloads are not required.

Expensive teleprompter hardware’s are not required either. Our Dual Monitor Prompter software is compatible with any teleprompter hardware reflector on the market.

The user interface is standard Windows top to bottom without an abstract user interface. The up/down arrow keys are used to change the scrolling speed while playing teleprompter scripts. The [Esc] key will exit the teleprompter player and return to the script editor. Our teleprompting software will run on any standard Windows equipped machine with a 16 meg. video card and minimum 32 megs of system ram.

Free Trial PeriodUnknown
Current Version7.0
RequirementsWindows XP, Vista, Win 7, 8 or 10
Product PagePrompterSoftware

uPrompt2 (free version and free trials, $19.95-$39.95 full versions)

Major Features of uPrompt

  • Variable scrolling speed with fine and coarse adjustment
  • Script pausing
  • Reverse direction scrolling
  • Reset feature to bring you back to the top of the script
  • Load multiple scripts in the script queue with one key/click loading of previous or next script.
  • Saving of script queues
  • Dual display with synchronized scrolling.
  • Mirrored text for reflected teleprompting.
  • Uses TrueType and OpenType fonts with unlimited sizing Imports .txt and .rtf files
  • Text editor for quick modifications and corrections to scripts
  • One handed controls – Can be operated with just the left hand.
  • Mouse click the script to pause, reverse or shuttle script.
  • Hot Buttons and speed sliders for easy mouse control
  • Timers to estimate total recorded time and time left
  • WYSIWYG Script printing
  • Quick conversion of scripts to all capitals
  • Preset screen placements to the top or bottom of the screen for webcam or screen recording.
Free Trial Periodunlimited free verison, 30 trial of other versions
Current Version2
RequirementsWindows XP or newer
Product PageuPrompt2

CAN Prompter (free)



CAN Prompter is a teleprompting application for MacOSX and Windows. It allows you “prompt” regular text files or script files created with CAN Script on up to three screens. It allows you to manage a list of separate files that will be displayed in order. You can speed up, pause or slow down the prompting rate. You can change the running order while prompting or loop the list for practice.

CAN Prompter is really designed for computers with two or more monitors, though it will run on a single screen. Each output can be configured as b/w or w/b and/or mirrored output. In a television studio the second monitor is usually attached to an NTSC/PAL video output and sent to the cameras so the talent can read the copy, but you could also just take the standard VGA/DVI out of your graphics card and distribute that.
Free Trial Periodunlimited free verison
Price$60 for license
Current Version2.1.25
RequirementsWindows XP or newer;
or Linux
Product PageCAN Prompter

ProPrompter Teleprompter Software ($150-$250)


The ProPrompter Teleprompter software allows you to put any text into an easily controlled and window that scrolls at your natural speaking pace. The scroll pace can be adjusted with keyboard or scrolling mouse controls.


  • Horizontal and vertical mirroring
  • Single screen scrolling
  • Adjustable screen size
  • Multiple text and font colors
  • Copy and paste from other programs
  • Cue points
Free Trial Period15 days
Price$150-$350 single user
$500-$1,000 5 users
Current Version5.0.14
RequirementsWindows XP or newer;
Product PageScriptQ

ScriptQ (free trial, $150-$350 full version)

Script-Q is the premier teleprompter program for the most demanding professional teleprompting uses. It has many studio teleprompter uses, such as radio, television, and multimedia production; business/government presentations; student audio-visual classes, video-blogging, and videoconferencing. Podcasters are already serving up Web-delivered audio and video content with custom narration supported by Script-Q, and even church choirs have found great success utilizing the Script-Q Prompter Software to help parishioners follow along with songs and hymns.

Script-Q Prompter Software (also called teleprompter software or autocue software) has many studio prompter applications, such as radio and television production, business/government presentations, and videoconferencing. Church choirs have also found great success utilizing the Script-Q Prompter Software to help parishioners follow along with songs and hymns. Additionally, new age podcasters are serving up web-delivered audio and video content with custom narration supported by Script-Q Prompter Software.

The newest version has been improved with a revised interface and more streamlined functioning; both the Basic and Advanced versions have been upgraded to offer new features as well, and a third version for professionals has been devised to include the most features of any Script-Q product to date.

Script-Q is available in three versions in order to suit any application or budget.

Script-Q Professional has an extensive feature set and is designed for the most demanding professional applications. It offers dual screen support, importing of Word™ documents, spell checker, or the support of multiple fonts in multiple sizes. If you are an everyday user of teleprompters, this is the version for you.

Script-Q Advanced offers all the features of the Basic version plus support for dual screen use. This version is a favorite among our educational clients and small businesses.

Script-Q Basic has all the standard features you would expect, a built-in word processor, the ability to import .txt and .rtf files, adjustable screen size, and much more. The Basic version is perfect for the occasional user, teleprompters that can flip the screen using hardware or for budget applications.

To try Script-Q free — download our 15-day Free Trial Version.

Free Trial Period15 days
Price$150-$350 single user
$500-$1,000 5 users
Current Version5.0.14
RequirementsWindows XP or newer;
Product PageScriptQ

DirectPrompt (free trial, $25 full version)

Presentation Prompter 5 4 2 – Feature Filled Teleprompter Without Cable


Presentation Prompter 5 4 2 – Feature Filled Teleprompter Without Watermark

Direct Prompt is teleprompting software that was written with Microsoft Direct X and .NET technology for the Windows Operating System. It allows for ultra-smooth, flicker-free scrolling text by harnessing the raw power of your video card. Direct Prompt is the ideal solution for anyone searching for an affordable prompting solution without having to pay for unnecessary features.

Direct Prompt offers: Dual Monitor Support; Ultra Smooth Scrolling; Simple Prompting Controls; Ability to Mirror Output; 2 Color Modes (White on Black or Black on White); Left, Centered or Right Text Justification; Displays Simple Text Files; Leading Technology; and Easy to follow instructions. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.

Free Trial PeriodUnknown
Current Version1.2
RequirementsWindows XP or newer
Product PageDirectPrompt

Product Information

Our best-selling QuickPrompt teleprompter is the most affordable, high-quality teleprompter available today. Weighing only a couple pounds, the QuickPrompt can be folded up and carried with you in your backpack or briefcase. We use only the finest optical-grade mirrors, using nanotechnology to allow you to record in flawless HD quality with your camcorder. In addition, we include free teleprompter software, which is intuitive to use and can be learned in minutes. We also sell teleprompter tables & scroll wheels to expand the capabilities of the QuickPrompt.


Use with your LCD or laptop computer. All you have to do is place it on top, and position a camera behind it, and you’re all set to start recording.

  • Does the exact same thing as more expensive teleprompters at a fraction of the cost.
  • Easy setup-place the teleprompter on your LCD monitor or laptop screen.
  • Free teleprompter software included.
  • Works great with any standard or high definition camcorder, and many types of webcams.
  • Can be used on any ordinary table. If you prefer standing, we also sell Speech Teleprompters.
  • Includes professional quality glass teleprompter mirror with rounded corners. High definition compatible. compatible.
  • Quantity discounts are available if you want to buy more than one.
  • Teleprompters are in stock and shipped immediately.
  • Fully assembled. Includes framed teleprompter mirror, black cloth hood, L-brackets, teleprompter software, and instructions.
  • Product is backed by a 30-day no-questions-asked return policy.

Product Pictures

Product Videos


For pricing and ordering, please see our QuickPrompt ordering page.

Frequently Asked Questions

My laptop doesn’t lie completely flat. How do I use the QuickPrompt?

You can use blocks of wood or some books that are the same thickness as your laptop to prop the unit’s sides up so it rests above your 15” laptop screen.We include DIY Instructions showing you how to prop up the Quickprompt for use with a laptop that does not open completely flat.

Can I change the angle of the Quickprompt?

You don’t need to adjust the angle of the QuickPrompt mirror. The angle has already been calculated to give you the optimum reflection of text from your laptop screen. The only thing you should have to do is drive in the set screw provided for you to set up your unit for use.

Can I customize the black cloth hood or block out more light from reaching my camera?

The shroud on the QuickPrompt is easily removed and completely customizable. If, after viewing your recording, it appears that you may need to block out more light, you can use a towel or other dark cloth to drape over the existing one. The shroud is also completely removable and the configuration can be changed to accommodate your camera needs. Be aware of the lighting in the room in which you are recording and try not to light your subject from behind the QuickPrompt. Sometimes use of strong overhead fluorescent lights may leak through the shroud cloth. Be sure to direct your lighting more toward the subject and not into the shroud on the back of the unit. Most cameras will self adjust to the room lighting and record images through the mirror glass very well, so long as it is not aimed at the rear of the unit.

How far away can I be from the QuickPrompt and still read it?

Presentation Prompter 5 4 2 – Feature Filled Teleprompter Without Damaging

A person with average eyesight can comfortably sit or stand up to 16 feet away from a 17” QuickPrompt, or up to 20 feet from either of the Presidential models and still be able to read the text clearly. You can stand even further away from the prompter if you enlarge the font size of the text on your monitor screen and use fewer words per line of text. A person can stand as far away as 20 or 25 feet from a 24” QuickPrompt using a large text format.

Is there anything I need to plug in?

There is nothing on the QuickPrompt that needs to be plugged in. Our QuickPrompt teleprompters work using a specialized reflective glass that is set to a 45 degree angle. The image from below the glass bounces off the glass, like a billiard shot, and reflects into the eyes of the reader in front of the Teleprompter.

How do I make my script scroll?

We include MirrorScript teleprompter software with all our Quickprompt and Presidential Teleprompters Insert the CD into your computer’s CD drive and follow the instructions for installation.

How do I control the scrolling script?

The text that you enter into the prompter software will scroll with a keyboard, mouse, or USB scroll wheel. We offer the Griffin PowerMate for sale on our website, which can be set to control the scrolling speed in which you feel most comfortable reading.

Product Demo

Client Benefits

Same-day Shipping
International Shipping
30-day No-Hassle Returns
Optical Quality Beam Splitter
Optical Grade Mirror
Made in the USA

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