Eu nu l'am luat de pe site'ul oficial si nu stiam ca are si site oficial! Ce tot comentezi. Poate cineva are nevoie si nu il intereseaza d unde il downloadeza. XScan 4.5.1 xScan CPU 1.0 xScan RAM 1.0 xLine 2.7 Useful Links. About Support Faqs.

X-Scan is a general scanner for scanning network vulnerabilities for specific IP address range or stand-alone computer by multi-threading method, plug-ins are supported. This is an old tool (last update in 2005), but some people still find it useful and there are certain situations where it can be useful (especially in those jurassic companies using old kit).

It supports Nessus NASL plugins for vulnerability scanning – which makes it pretty useful. It also has both a GUI and command line version for scripting.

Xscan V3 2 5 Hydrocortisone Cream

XScan CPU 1.0 xScan RAM 1.0 xLine 2.7. V3.4.92Build170809 FOR HUHI-FS -2018-12-22: V4.30.110Build200422 -2020-07-13: note】Relationship between firmware and device model.docx: 11.89KB: 2018-12-22. Xscan 2.1 See all. XScan allows you to monitor the behavior and health of your computer. Completely rewritten, xScan 4 is featuring a modern user interface where you can drag and drop the widgets of your choice on a main window. For each widget, you can setup amazing display options. Thus, you can configure the display differently for each.


The following items can be scanned:

  • Remote OS type and version detection,
  • Standard port status and banner information,
  • SNMP information,
  • CGI vulnerability detection,
  • IIS vulnerability detection,
  • RPC vulnerability detection,
  • SSL vulnerability detection,
  • SQL-server,
  • FTP-server,
  • SMTP-server,
  • POP3-server,
  • NT-server weak user/password pairs authentication module,
  • NT server NETBIOS information,
  • Remote Register information, etc.

The results of the scan are saved in /log directory, and are title index_ip_address.htm (if you used the GUI) or ip_address if you used the command line option. These can be directly browsed by any normal Web Browser.

Basic user and password lists are supplied to carry out a basic attack on certain services, (above), if found enabled on the host.

You can download XScan v3.3 here:

Xscan V3 2 5 Patch Notes

Or read more here.