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1100 BC | Birth of Samuel | 1 Samuel 1 | 1100 BC | Hannah's Song | 1 Samuel 2 | 1070 BC | Battle of Shiloh | 1 Samuel 3 | 1070 BC | Philistines Take the Ark | 1 Samuel 4, 5 | 1070 BC | Philistines Return the Ark to Israel | 1 Samuel 6 | 1070 BC | Ark brought to Abinadab's House | 1 Samuel 7 | 1050 BC | Israelites Repent at Mizpeh | 1 Samuel 7:3 | 1043 BC | Saul Becomes King | 1 Samuel 8 - 10 | 1042 BC | Saul Defeats the Ammonites | 1 Samuel 11, 12 | 1041 BC | Saul's War with the Philistines | 1 Samuel 13 | 1041 BC | Jonathan's Miraculous Victory | 1 Samuel 14 | 1028 BC | Saul's Disobedience and Samuel's Rebuke | 1 Samuel 15 | 1024 BC | Samuel Anoints David at Bethlehem | 1 Samuel 16 | 1024 BC | David Kills Goliath | 1 Samuel 17 | 1015 BC | Jonathan's Friendship with David | 1 Samuel 18 | 1014 BC | David Protected from Saul | 1 Samuel 19 | 1013 BC | David and Jonathan's Covenant | 1 Samuel 20 | 1012 BC | David at Nob and Gath | 1 Samuel 21 | 1011 BC | Saul Slays the Priests of Nob | 1 Samuel 22 | 1011 BC | David Flees Saul | 1 Samuel 23 | 1011 BC | David Spares Saul's Life | 1 Samuel 24 | 1011 BC | Samuel Dies | 1 Samuel 25 | 1011 BC | David Spares Saul a Second Time | 1 Samuel 26 | 1010 BC | David Flees to the Philistines | 1 Samuel 27 | 1010 BC | Saul and the Witch of Endor | 1 Samuel 28 | 1010 BC | Achish Sends David Away | 1 Samuel 29 | 1010 BC | David Destroys the Amalekites | 1 Samuel 30 | 1010 BC | Saul and His Sons Killed | 1 Samuel 31 |
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116–121, § 1, Mar. 3, 2020, 134 Stat. 138, provided that: “This Act amending provisions set out as a note under section 102 of this title may be cited as the. Bible Timeline chart for free, download it here and learn how i made it, and how James Ussher made his to be 4004 BC. Chronology of the Bible and mine timeline that is 4220 BC Learn how to make your own and much more. Chronology of the Bible.