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Introduction To Matthew
The New Testament has its roots in the Jewish laws and prophecies of the Old Testament. Therefore, it is very appropriate that the Gospel of Matthew comes first among the Gospels: it was written to portray Jesus as the promised Messiah. Jesus is referred to as the “Son of David” nine times in this Gospel (Matthew 1:1; 9:27; 12:23; 15:22; 20:30-31; 21:9, 15; and 22:42). Since Matthew was writing to the Jews who were in great expectation for the kingdom promised in the Old Testament to appear (Daniel 7:22 and Acts 2:16-18), he used the word “kingdom” more than fifty times. Also, the phrase “kingdom of heaven” is used thirty-three times and is not found anywhere else in the New Testament. The genealogy listed in Matthew 1 shows Jesus as the Son of David, which would have to be made clear for any knowledgeable Jew to accept Jesus as the Christ.
a. Internal evidence: There is no internal evidence to suggest Matthew was the author. The call of Matthew and his subsequent banquet for Jesus are recorded in Matthew 9:9-10, but there is nothing in the account to suggest that Matthew did or did not write it. However, it is clear as one studies this Gospel that the author was writing from a Jewish perspective.
b. External evidence: There is such an abundance of external evidence to prove that Matthew was the author of this Gospel that it cannot be ignored. There is no biblical reference to Matthew being martyred, and the extra-biblical references that we have about him say he ministered in Judaea for fifteen years (might be supported by Acts 1:26, 15:2; with Galatians 2:1-2), then in Ethiopia and other lands. Whatever the case, we have no reason to believe that Matthew was not still alive toward the end of the first century. Certainly, his family, or converts, lived well into the second century where we have abundant references to Matthew as the author of the first Gospel. If the commonly accepted view among the early church of Matthew’s authorship had not been true, it would no doubt have been challenged by those who were closely associated with the apostle. However, no record of any such challenge exists, only references to Matthew as the author.
In A.D. 130, Papias said, “So, Matthew composed the oracles in the Hebrew language and each one interpreted them as he was able.” Also, Irenaeus (A.D. 180), Origen (A.D. 230), and Eusebius (A.D. 330) all made reference to Matthew as the author of the first Gospel.
Based on seemingly universal belief among the early church of Matthew’s authorship and no biblical evidence to the contrary, it can be supposed that Matthew was indeed the author. It is certainly permissible to refer to this writing as Matthew’s Gospel for the purpose of distinguishing it from other Gospel accounts.
I have made a deliberate attempt to show that the evidence for this decision is based on evidence not found in the inspired Word of God, and this conclusion should be received with that in mind.
Date of Writing
a. Internal evidence: Again, there is no internal evidence in this Gospel to establish the date it was written. Many have thought that the prophecies in Matthew 24 show that this Gospel was written before A.D. 70, when Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by the Romans. Their reasoning is that if the destruction of Jerusalem had already taken place, it would be reflected in the writer’s account. However, the Gospel writers wrote with a noticeable detachment that refrained from interpretation or application. Therefore, it is not certain from Matthew’s rendering of Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:1-2 that this account was written before the destruction of the temple in A.D. 70.
b. External evidence: The facts we have access to outside the Bible do not conclusively establish the date of writing either. The date this Gospel was written has been traditionally accepted as being A.D. 37. However, Irenaeus, who wrote in approximately A.D. 180, says that Matthew wrote his Gospel when Peter and Paul were preaching in Rome. That would date this Gospel around A.D. 61.
There also exists a book called “The Epistle of Barnabas” that Bishop Lightfoot has placed as being written during the reign of Vespasian (A.D. 70-79), given statements made within the epistle. In this epistle, the writer quoted from Matthew 22:14 and introduced the quote by the phrase “as it is written,” which was and is the customary way of referring to Scripture. This would date Matthew’s Gospel before this “Epistle of Barnabas” and would place a limit on that date of no later than A.D. 70.
It is important to note that the authenticity of Irenaeus’ statement and the whole “Epistle of Barnabas” have been questioned by many scholars, so that there is no consensus of opinion on them. The time at which Matthew wrote this Gospel can only be placed between A.D. 37 and the end of the first century.
About the Author
a. Internal information: Matthew is mentioned by that name only five times in the Bible (Matthew 9:9, 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15; and Acts 1:13). He is referred to in other references to the twelve apostles, or the “eleven” as they were called in Acts 1:26. He is called Levi in Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27, and 29. He apparently changed his name from Levi to Matthew, as Saul changed to Paul.
Matthew was a publican, or tax collector, for the Roman government (Matthew 9:9, Mark 2:14, and Luke 5:27), which was a position despised by Jews (Matthew 9:10-11). Matthew was also a Jew, and that made his affinity with the Romans a traitorous act in the eyes of the Jews.
Mark 2:14 calls Matthew the son of Alphaeus. Luke 6:15-16 calls two other apostles (James and Judas) the sons of Alphaeus also. It is possible that the name Alphaeus was a common name and that these men were not related. It is also possible that Matthew was the brother of James and Judas just as it appears.
We can suppose that Matthew was “well off” financially, as were all publicans (usually by dishonesty), and as Luke 5:29 would suggest.
There is not recorded for us even one word that Matthew spoke. As with most of the twelve apostles, Matthew personally missed many of the actions of Jesus that he reported in his Gospel [e.g., Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mark 5:37-43), and Jesus being transfigured (Matthew 17:1-2), etc.].
It can be guessed that Matthew, being one of the twelve apostles, stayed in Jerusalem (Acts 8:1) for at least fourteen years (Acts 15:2 with Galatians 2:1-2) and was a part of the governing head over the church at Jerusalem (Acts 15:2).
b. External information: The external information about Matthew is limited. Dake stated that tradition says Matthew preached in Ethiopia, as well as other lands, and did not die a martyr’s death.
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Andrew's commentary was originally published in print form as the Life for Today book series and is still available today.
Q: Are there notes for every verse?A: Andrew’s free online Bible commentary contains notes from the Life for Today commentaries which provides notes for about half of the verses. Additional notes are available in the expanded Living Commentary, containing footnotes on over 23,000 of the 31,000 Bible verses.Q: Why is it called 'Note 20 at Acts 2:11' when there is only one note for that verse?A: The Life for Today Commentary notes on this web site are taken from the printed Life for Today Study Bible series. The system of numbering notes was designed for the printed book and is used throughout the text to refer to other notes. Because of this, it would be very difficult to try and change them.Q: Why are there references to page numbers?A: As mentioned above, the commentary notes are taken from a printed study Bible. The page numbers are useful in the printed book but not the web pages.Q: What is this a reference to? '(see ref. b at v. 37)'A: There are more features to the printed study Bible than we can include on this web site. We have many marginal references in the printed version with word definitions and related verses. This is a reference to one of these marginal notes.New Jersey Student Learning Standards
Social Studies
Beverly Plein, Coordinator Free sound manager.
Studies 1 6 12 Niv
New: The New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) are reviewed and revised every five years. The 2020 NJSLS were adopted by the State Board of Education on June 3, 2020. The 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards webpage provides links to the 2020 NJSLS and information regarding curriculum implementation dates.
Studies 1 6 12 Meaning
Social Studies Education in the 21st Century
The digital age has transformed social studies education, allowing 21st-century learners to transcend the limits of time and place and experience historic events virtually. By expanding their learning networks through online collaboration with experts and other students from around the world, New Jersey social studies students develop an increased depth of understanding of our global society. At the same time, their understanding of the fundamental principles and values of American democracy and citizenship provides the conceptual framework that allows them to make informed decisions about local, national, and international issues and challenges.
Mission: Social studies education provides learners with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives needed to become active, informed citizens and contributing members of local, state, national, and global communities in the digital age.
Vision: An education in social studies fosters a population that:
- Is civic minded, globally aware, and socially responsible.
- Exemplifies fundamental values of American citizenship through active participation in local and global communities.
- Makes informed decisions about local, state, national, and global events based on inquiry and analysis.
- Considers multiple perspectives, values diversity, and promotes cultural understanding.
- Recognizes the implications of an interconnected global economy.
- Appreciates the global dynamics between people, places, and resources.
- Utilizes emerging technologies to communicate and collaborate on career and personal matters with citizens of other world regions.
Intent and Spirit of the Social Studies StandardsVideo poker basic strategy.
All students receive social studies instruction from Preschool through grade 12. The challenges of the 21st century are complex, have global implications, and are connected to people, places, and events of the past. The study of social studies focuses on deep understanding of concepts that enable students to think critically and systematically about local, regional, national, and global issues.
Studies 1 6 12 Benefits
https://cpav.over-blog.com/2021/02/logic-express-cost.html. Authentic learning experiences that enable students to apply content knowledge, develop citizenship skills, and collaborate with students from around the world prepare New Jersey students for the 21st-century workplace. The natural integration of technology in social studies education allows students to overcome geographic borders, apply scientific and mathematical analysis to historical questions and contemporary issues, appreciate cultural diversity, and experience events through the examination of primary sources.