What's on City-Data.com. We have over 74,000 city photos not found anywhere else, graphs of the latest real estate prices and sales trends, recent home sales, a home value estimator, hundreds of thousands of maps, satellite photos, demographic data (race, income, ancestries, education, employment), geographic data, state profiles, crime data, registered sex offenders, cost of living, housing. NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation's treasure of climate and historical weather data and information. The Quick Stats Database is the most comprehensive tool for accessing agricultural data published by NASS. It allows you to customize your query by commodity, location, or time period. Access Quick Stats Lite. Quick Stats Lite provides a more structured approach to get commonly requested statistics from our online database. Quick Stats System. Mechanical drawing freeware.
The National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), an office of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, has been responsible for providing a wide range of analytical and statistical support to NHTSA and the highway safety community at large for over 45 years.
PublicData.com is the source for public information and public records. Databases include Drivers License databases, Motor Vehicle databases, Sex Offender databases, Voter databases, and Criminal Databases. 2010 data).2007 to 2009 benefits data are not available in the National Compensation Survey data base. For data during these years, see the NCS publication archive. Work Stoppages: Work Stoppages Data: Pay (from an Employment Survey) Weekly & Hourly Earnings (Current Population Survey - CPS).
https://downnup134.weebly.com/top-rated-online-casinos-usa.html. Mailing Address
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Center for Statistics & Analysis
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
West Building
Washington, DC 20590
Phone Numbers
Automated Data Request Line: 800-934-8517
Fax: 202-366-2746