Lingon X 6 is based on the great Lingon 3 and extends it with new features like running jobs as root and at multiple dates. It is now even easier to use yet much more powerful. Version X 6 is a paid upgrade.


However a process running with UID 0 but in a restricted SELinux context is quite helpless. A service started in init.rc file with u:r:init:s0 context can't even execute a shell script from /system/bin/, so SELinux policy needs to be patched to inject an unrestricted context e.g. Magisk defines u:r:magisk:s0. What's new in Move Mouse 3.6.0. It can automatically move the mouse cursor, send a keystroke and click the left mouse button. That are executed every time the application is run; Interval.

  1. When run, the above command should result in something output similar to the following: sshd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off The above output indicates that the sshd service is started automatically at runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5. Alternatively you may just be interested to know which services get started for runlevel 3.
  2. I am looking for a solution to automatically accept all licenses. Maybe a gradle script? Do you have any ideas? EDIT A solution was to execute: android update sdk -no-ui -filter build-tools-24.0.0,android-24,extra-android-m2repository And install it manually, but it is the gradle's new feature purpose to do it.
  3. Scripts in a given directory are executed in alphabetical order. This allows, for example, a tool to specify an init script on the command line and the user to put one in their home directory for defining the environment and both scripts will run when Gradle is executed.
  • Start an app, a script or run a command automatically whenever you want it to. You can schedule it to run at a specific times, regularly or when something special happens.
  • It can also make sure that an app or a script automatically restarts if it crashes. Lingon X can do all this for you and much more.
  • Lets you run things automatically by modifying configuration files for the built-in system function called launchd so the system handles running the jobs so you don’t need to have Lingon open after you have saved your job.
  • Released outside Mac App Store to be able to include requested features.
  • Still available in Mac App Store for those who still use OS X 10.7 Lion or prefer the comfort and convenience of the Mac App Store.
  • Earlier versions of Lingon X are still available to work with macOS from 10.8. And a license bought today can be used with both Lingon X 6 and Lingon X 5.


Version 6.6.2:

  • Recommendation: You may find more Premium Adobe assets (Photoshop actions, Lightroom Presets, After Effects Templates, Premier Pro Transitions,.. LUTs, Sound Effects, and many premium Tutorial Courses) for Free Download from one of our other sources here: (was
  • Some small bug fixes and improvements


macOS 10.12 or later, 64-bit processor

  • CAN NOT DOWNLOAD: Some probably encounter the following error: This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. In this case, please use Google DNS and you will get rid of trouble.
  • If downloaded file can not be extracted (file corrupted..), please make sure you have downloaded the file completely and don't use Winzip, it sucks! We would recommend using The Unarchiver.
  • By reason, the App does not work and can not be opened. Mostly, just Disable the Gatekeeper, and you get rid of troubles.

by Kristina Olson

The v2.1 release of Web Deploy installs several PowerShell scripts that make it easy to configure your IIS server so that users can publish to it by using Web Deploy. This page shows you how to use these scripts to create a default publishing site, enable publishing for a new or existing site and user, create publishing SQL or MySQL databases, or to set up delegation rules – all using PowerShell.

The scripts that you will use are:

  • SetupSiteForPublish.ps1
  • CreateSqlDatabase.ps1
  • CreateMySqlDatabase.ps1
  • AddDelegationRules.ps1


  • The server must have an operating system that comes with IIS7—this means either Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. You must be an administrator on the machine.

  • In the Web Platform Installer, search for 'hosting' and install either the 'Recommended Server Configuration for Hosting Providers' product bundle or 'Web Deployment Tool 2.1 for Hosting Servers.' Alternatively, make sure the following conditions are met:

    • PowerShell2 must be installed (this is built into Windows Server 2008 R2; for Windows Server 2008, you can get PowerShell2 as an update from here: A restart may be required.
    • The Web Server (IIS) role must be enabled in Server Manager.
    • The Web Management Service role service of IIS ('Management Service') must be enabled in Server Manager
    • To use the PowerShell database scripts, the server must have access to a SQL or MySQL database. SQL Server Management Objects must also be installed for SQL.
    • Web Deploy must be installed with the Management Service Integration component. (For this option to appear in the Web Deploy installer, the Web Management Service must be enabled first.)

General PowerShell instructions

  1. Launch a PowerShell command window.

    Click on the PowerShell icon in the task bar or click Start, type PowerShell, and select Windows PowerShell.
    (The blue icon)

  2. Make sure your execution policy allows for running scripts. Goodtimes 1 3 2.

    1. Type 'Get-ExecutionPolicy'. If it is Restricted (the default) you must reset to a more permissive setting such as by typing 'Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned'. The AllSigned setting will allow running signed scripts, but prompt you in case they are not trusted Xcode minimum requirements.

    2. For more information on execution policy settings see Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet.

  3. Change to the Web Deploy scripts directory.

    1. Type cd '%programfiles%IISMicrosoft Web Deploy v2Scripts' (but replace %programfiles% with the actual path, such as C:Program Files).

Use the SetupSiteForPublish script to create a default publishing web site (no databases)

Run the SetupSiteForPublish.ps1 script with no arguments:

What this does:

The script creates a user and site for non-admin publishing and saves the publish profile information in a file on the desktop. More specifically, it creates a site called WDeploySite with physical site root at %systemdrive%inetpubWDeploySite. The site will have a matching application pool, WDeployAppPool, and will be assigned to port 8080 by default (or the next available port if another site is using 8080). The script also creates a non-administrator local Windows user called WDeploySiteuser and grants that user Full Control ACLs on the WDeploySite folder and IIS Manager Permissions to the site. The settings information is saved to the desktop in a file called WDeploy.PublishSettings - this file may be consumed by WebMatrix (or potentially Visual Studio) for publishing to the site. This profile does NOT contain any database publishing information at this point.

Enable Web Deploy Publishing for any Site and User using the SetupSiteForPublish script:

Script: SetupSiteForPublish.ps1

Description: For a specified site and user account, enables the specified user to publish to the specified site. The script creates the user account, site, and application pool; sets the directory ACLs and IIS Manager permissions for the site; and saves the setting information in a file.


NameDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
siteNameName of the site. If site does not exist, it will be created.WDeploySite
sitePhysicalPathPhysical file location for the site content. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.%systemdrive%inetpubWDeploySite
siteAppPoolNameName of the application pool that will be associated with the site. If the application pool does not exist, it will be created.WDeployAppPoolIt is recommended to dedicate one application pool per site.
sitePortPort for the site bindings.First port from 8080-8200 that is not in use by another site.A firewall rule may be required to open the port for remote traffic.
deploymentUserNameName of the user to be given access to the site. If the user does not exist, a non-administrator user will be created.WDeploySiteuser
deploymentUserPasswordPassword for the deployment user. If a password is not specified, one will be automatically generated and saved in the settings file.[autogenerated]
managedRunTimeVersionIf specified, will try to set the specified run-time version for the application pool. If a matching runtime version is not found, the application pool defaults will be used.Application pool defaultsExample format 'v2.0' or 'v4.0'
publishSettingSavePathAn existing directory where the settings file will be saved.Current user's desktopMust be an existing directory. If the directory specified does not exist, an error will result.
publishSettingFileNameName of the settings file, including the extension.WDeploy.PublishSettingsRemember to include the extension. If the file already exists, the site information in it will be overwritten.


Enable publishing for an existing user on an existing site (the password will not be saved in the settings file):

Enable publishing for a new user on a new site, with a custom name and location for the publish settings file:

The PublishSettings file also contains the new user password. Notice that the connection string fields are empty - they can be filled by hand or you can add this to the profile using the database generation scripts:

Create a SQL database for a publishing account using the CreateSqlDatabase script

Script: CreateSqlDatabase.ps1

Description: Creates a database, a login, a database user that has db_owner permissions to the database, and saves the corresponding connection string information in a settings file.


NameDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
databaseNameName of the database to be created.wDeploySqldb
databaseUserNameName of the database user and login.wdeploySqlUserSpecify a new user every time, or you may end up resetting a user's login password and invalidating the user's previous connection credentials.
databaseUserPasswordPassword for the database user and login. If no password is specified, one will automatically be generated.[autogenerated]In some cases the auto-generated password may contain characters that cause issues with certain publishing clients. Consider modifying the script if you are using the script for automated database creation.
databaseAdminUserSQL server administrator user name (typically 'sa').REQUIRED
databaseAdminPasswordPassword for the SQL server administrator account.REQUIRED
sqlServerInstanceNameLocation of the SQL server..SQLExpress


publishSettingSavePathAn existing directory where the settings file will be saved.Current user's desktopMust be an existing directory. If the directory specified does not exist, an error will result.
publishSettingFileNameName of the settings file, including the extension.WDeploy.PublishSettingsRemember to include the extension. If the file already exists, the site information in it will be overwritten.


Create a database with user using the defaults (local SQLExpress database):


Lingon X 6 0 – Run Applications And Scripts Automatically Use

Create a new database and add the connection string information to existing publish settings file c:profilesUserA.PublishSettings:

Create a MySQL database for a publishing account using the CreateMySqlDatabase script

Script: CreateMySqlDatabase.ps1

Description: Creates a database, a database user with all privileges on the database (at localhost), and saves the connection string information in a settings file


NameDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
databaseNameName of the database to be created.WDeployDb
databaseUserNameName of the database user.WDeployUser
databaseUserPasswordPassword for the database user and login. If no password is specified, one will automatically be generated.[autogenerated]In some cases the auto-generated password may contain characters that cause issues with certain publishing clients. Consider modifying the script if you are using the script for automated database creation.
databaseAdminUserName for the database administrator, typically 'root'.REQUIREDYou will be prompted for this parameter if not supplied
databaseAdminPasswordPassword for the server administrator account.REQUIREDYou will be prompted for a value for this parameter if you do not provide one.
serverHostNameLocation of the MySQL serverlocalhost*see note below table


Lingon X 6 0 – Run Applications And Scripts Automatically
publishSettingSavePathAn existing directory where the settings file will be saved.Current user's desktopMust be an existing directory. If the directory specified does not exist, an error will result.
publishSettingFileNameName of the settings file, including the extension.WDeploy.PublishSettingsRemember to include the extension. If the file already exists, the site information in it will be overwritten.

*If you specify a non-localhost value for serverHostName and do not modify the permissions for the user, the user may not be able to access his or her database. By default the permissions granted in this script provide the database user access from the local machine. If the database server is not hosted on the same machine, the permission granting section of the PowerShell script should be modified to grant more general permissions, such as by changing the following line of script to allow access from any machine:

Lingon X 6 0 – Run Applications And Scripts Automatically Working

Default script permissions line:

Modified script permissions line:


Create a database with user using the defaults: Mainstage 3 2 2 download free.

Create a new database and add the connection string information to existing publish settings file c:profilesUserA.PublishSettings:

Set up Delegation Rules for the server using the AddDelegationRules script

Script: AddDelegationRules.ps1

Lingon X 6 0 – Run Applications And Scripts Automatically Order

Description: This script is run automatically at setup time by the installer during a full install, but if you did not do a full install or wish to repair the rules at any time, you can re-run this AddDelegationRules script.


NameDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
elevatedUsernameName for the user account that will be granted write access to the server's applicationHost.config file. This user will be used as the run-as user on the appPoolPipeline, appPoolNetFx and createApp rules.WDeployUserCreates only a local Windows user and will not work if shared configuration is enabled. The password for this user account will be reset if the script is run a second time.
elevatedPasswordAutomatically generated if not specified.[autogenerated]
adminUsernameName for an Administrator user account that will be used as the run-as user on the recycleApp rule.WDeployAdminCreates only a local Windows user and will not work if shared configuration is enabled. The password for this user account will be reset if script is run a second time.
adminPasswordAutomatically generated if not specified[autogenerated]
ignorePasswordResetErrorsSwitch. If elevated/adminUsername references an existing account, this switch allows the script to reset the password for the account.[omitted - resetting user passwords not allowed]Resetting a user password can result in the user losing access to data. This switch should be used with caution. For more information, see Note also that the new user password is not stored and cannot be retrieved later.