Welcome to free 10 key typing test. Jixipix portrait painter 1 369. Beside typing test here you can practice 10 key typing. It is the easiest way to learn 10 key typing and enhance your ability.10 Key Test (Only Numbers) - 1 Minutes10 Key Test (Numbers And Symbols) - 1 Minutes10 Key Test (Mobile Numbers) - 1 Minutes
KeyKey — Typing Training. Learn touch typing and improve you typing speed. Abap screen painter for mac. KeyKey is a minimalist touch typing tutor for Mac. It is suitable for beginners, who want to learn basic touch typing skills, as well as for advanced users, who want to learn alternative layouts like COLEMAK or DVORAK.
1. Type the highlighted portion then press enter.
2. Use the small finger of your right hand to press enter.
3. Place your middle finger over the key '5', your index finger on '4' and ring finger on '6'.
4. Remember not to use your left hand while practicing 10 key typing.
5. Remember not to look at-the keyboard while typing. Undertale full demo no download.
10 key series are the bunches of number and symbol keys that placed the right side of any keyboard. Ten key typing is a vital part of typing and every typist should know 10 key typing. It is measured in Keystrokes per Hour(KPH). Although 8,000 KPH is a good 10 key speed a good typist should have minimum 10,000 to 12,000 KPH speed with 98% accuracy. Having 10 keys typing skill is good to type the zip code, mobile numbers or simply calculate any sum.
Use your right hand only to practice. Remember, not to look at-the keyboard while practicing and never try to type fast. These may cause a wrong key press. Accuracy is more important than speed. So simply try to type relaxed. If you practice Regularly, the speed will automatically increase day by-day.
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