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Is your desk clean, right now?
Would it be something you would want your boss (or team members) to see?
It is easier than you think to keep your area clean and tidy.
The simplest way to keep your workspace in order is to practice the ABC method of organization.
Creating a Cluttered Workspace
A cluttered workspace is not productive. And piles are not organization.
Yet, you are so busy, you never get around to cleaning up. Soon, your desk has turned into a large stack of miscellaneous stuff. Cleaning it up not only scares you, but could take several hours. (Or days???)
I challenge you to look at your desk right now.
What would it take to clean it up?
Keeping Your Desk Organized as Easy as ABC
Today, I want to share an organization strategy called the “ABC Method.”
Quite simply, ABC stands for Always Be Cleaning.
Hides 5 0 2 – Keep A Squeaky Clean Workspace Jpmc
Keeping your desk clutter-free shouldn’t be an event that happens once in a blue moon. Rather, it must be an ongoing, constant activity that you do every day.
“Cleaning should be a habit, not a task.” (Tweet this Quote)
Here are some tips to Always Be Cleaning:
Put Things in Their Place – A key habit to keeping your space organized is to have a “designated home” for each item that needs to be put away. Not only will it be easier to put things away, but you will know right where they are when you need an item again.
Throw Things Out – Disposing of clutter needs to be a regular habit in your clean-up process. You simply cannot keep everything that comes your way. Most of the items you are keeping have no further use. Don’t be a packrat when it comes to papers, trinkets, and more. “When in doubt, throw it out.”
Don’t Leave a Mess for Later – It can be tempting to tell yourself that you will “put things away later or tomorrow.” Resist that excuse, and always clean up immediately after finishing a task or project. Otherwise, you are compounding the amount of cleaning you will have to do in the future.
Have a Chore List – A chores schedule can help keep you in regular clean-up mode. Designate routine maintenance tasks for specific days of the week. Maybe Monday is your clean off your desk day. Tuesday is your document scanning day. And so on.
Eat Those Elephants – Big clean up tasks are easily attacked a little bit at a time. Spend 15 minutes catching up on that big task and soon you will have whittled it down to a manageable task. Of course, after cleaning becomes a habit, you should have less “elephant” tasks.
Designate Clean Zones – Clean Zones are areas that you pledge to always keep clean. Designate trouble spots as clean zones and never allow clutter to be placed in these areas. This tactic works well for desktops, file cabinets or any other horizontal surface where clutter tends to pile up.
Have Clean Up Time Every Day – Schedule 15 minutes of cleanup time each day. Perhaps, first thing when you come in. Or if you are really disciplined, before heading home. Put it right on your calendar so that you allocate time for it.
Always Be Cleaning
Don’t let your workspace build up clutter until cleaning it becomes an all-day endeavor.
It’s much easier and more productive to clean and organize as you go.
Always Be Cleaning and you will find that keeping your work area clean is much easier and productive than you thought.